Friday, July 12, 2024

Sketching in the Wild

Art arises when the secret vision of the artist and the manifestation of nature agree to find new shapes. - Kahlil Gibran

Trying to get out to field sketch a lot more this spring and summer. Nothing really beats learning lessons when you paint from life. You don't have to be a talented or even accomplished Artist to get out there and give things a try.

Set your expectations appropriately and remember not to be hard on yourself if your drawings and paintings aren't masterpieces. Start with some simple thumbnail sketches and don't worry about details.

When I sketch in the field, I don't worry about how well I paint or draw as much as I think about how much I am learning from the experience. Here is a very short video of a gouache painting I did recently. It's far from perfect, but I learned a LOT in the work. 

I recently added Memberships to my channel and I'm adding new content regularly. I hope you'll consider becoming a member and if you do just visit my YouTube channel and hit the join button.

I'm hoping to generate enough support so I can keep adding content and spending time investing/growing the channel. I'm going to retire from my day job soon and hoping that I can create some income. I've had the channel for more than 15 years and posted almost 400 videos over that time. Now I'm devoting more time, effort and money into making the channel even better. 

There, that's my pitch. :-)

Tuesday, February 06, 2024

Interview on Lindsay The Frugal Crafter's Podcast and Some Sketches

“My hands are dirty because I have dreams in my pocket” ― Stefano Bosis

This past month I've been working on some homemade sketchbooks and doing some watercolor sketching. I traveled a bit locally because the weather here has been unseasonably warm. Mostly I take short road trips away from the city to be in nature. I recently took a 90 minute drive to Frontenac State Park, which is located on the high bluffs of the Mississippi River near Lake Pepin, which was formed when the glaciers in the area receded. 

In the autumn, Frontenac is a great place for bird watchers who can spot over 260 species of migratory birds. It's also a sketchers paradise. So many great subjects, including the wide open spaces over the river valley, abundant wildlife, prairies and hardwood forests.

The other really fun thing I did recently was connect with my very good friend and YouTube legend Lindsay The Frugal Crafter

It was like reconnecting with an old friend. Lindsay, I and few other YouTubers started around the same time, more than a decade ago. Since the community of Arts and Crafts was very small back in those days we all connected in a very special and positive way. Steve Mitchell of Mind of Watercolor who is another great friend also started his channel back then, along with a handful of others like Teoh Yi Chie, Mark Campbell, Lisa from Lachri Fine Art , Ivor Harrison from the Art Gear Guide and a handful of others. Then came the great James Gurney who has leveled us all up when it comes to teaching and entertaining the audience. 

Lindsay and I got to talk about a whole host of awesome topics and even how the art channels we have can be a safe and comforting space for people. Lindsay asked me some really insightful questions about what videos I like to do best and just about life in general. She's a great friend and we've been mutual supporters since the beginning. Weird to think that Lindsay, Steve, Lisa and I, along with a few others, are the OG's of YouTube art and art supply reviews.

Lindsay has started a podcast and puts the video up on her channel. You can find her podcast on most platforms. If you're reading this please help spread the word and subscriber to her YT channel and podcast.

Here are some of the sketches I've been working on lately.

Thursday, January 11, 2024

The Travel Sketches and Paintings from 2023

"Have no fear of perfection, you’ll never reach it.” – Salvador Dali

It's January 2024. Almost hard to see those words as I type them. The years are passing faster and faster the older I get. This past summer and autumn were filled with travels and I filled four sketchbooks and painted many more smaller pieces. Travels took me to the far reaches of northern Minnesota and across the states southwest. I'll be publishing a sketchbook video on my YouTube channel soon and share more of that work. Until then, here is some of the work I was busy with.

Some of these paintings I put up for sale on my Etsy page just before Christmas and they sold out. I usually put stuff up for sale a couple times a year. If you're interested in buying some of my work you can check out my Etsy at: OwingsStudio

You can also find my work for sale at Frameworks Gallery in Saint Paul, Minnesota if you're local to the gallery. I'm always humbled when people think enough of my work to bring it into their home or give it as a gift. 
Most of my paintings and sketches are done in the field or from photographs that I use in the studio. 


Sunday, June 04, 2023

Field Sketchbooks

"I believe a leaf of grass is no less than the journey-work of the stars.” - Walt Whitman

This is a video of my recent field sketching. I hope you enjoy it.


Friday, April 28, 2023

Some Recent Work

“What moves those of genius, what inspires their work, is not new ideas, but their obsession with the idea that what has already been said is still not enough.” – Eugene Delacroix

April 28, 2023

I've been busy with work and family commitments for a while, but thought it would be a good time to post some of the things I've been working on. 

Monday, July 04, 2022

“Art should be something that liberates your soul, provokes the imagination and encourages people to go further.” – Keith Haring

July 4, 2022

It's been a minute. I haven't posted on the site in a good while, however I have been trying to keep up on YouTube. So if you happen to be missing the content I usually share here and want to see what I'm up to more often, drop by the channel and say hi. I've been spending most of my spare time sketching, drawing and inking. I've also been doing a few gouache drawings here and there. 

A page from my sketchbook.

Small portraits.

Reference from a Karen Jurick painting.

Reference from a Karen Jurick painting.

 Ink and watercolor drawing from an Alfonso Dunn drawing.

The woods at night.

Tree drawings.

Pencil and watercolor sketch from reference.

Sketch of Ethan near White Water stream.

 Gouache painting from s Shirlene Perrin photograph.

 A bird in a tree at White Water State park.

 Ink and watercolor of a 1974 Toyota Corolla wagon.

 Ink and watercolor of a 1974 Toyota Corolla coupe.

 An ink drawing from Maximillians Triumph.

Friday, November 19, 2021

Black Hills and Badlands Field Sketches

 Here is the full video of field sketches from my trip to the Black Hills and Badlands of South Dakota. 

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Field Sketching in South Dakota

October 2021

"Happiness, not in another place but this place, not for another hour, but for this hour." - Walt Whitman

This past summer I traveled to the Badlands and Black Hills of South Dakota with my wife and son. 

We spent a week there at a place called the Hisega Lodge, which was nestled in the hills near a vibrant stream and the lodge was staffed by awesome owners Mike and Tara. We immediately felt at home. 

Most of my time was spent in the Black Hills area filming an adventure motorcycle training course that my wife was participating in, here is a link to that film. I filled all of my spare time in the Black Hills National Forest and Badlands. I took photographs and took reference sketches, thumbnails and wrote notes that I used to do the drawings and paintings in this sketchbook. The work below represents a glance into the sketchbook. I will upload the finished work to YouTube sometime soon. 
