Saturday, September 03, 2011

Framing Paintings

Oregon Coast - Oil on Board
Landscape study - Oil on Canvas Board

September 3, 2011

I'd say about half of the stuff I paint or draw ends up in or is destined for the fire pit. It's often really bad or worse it's really, really mediocre or worse yet, it isn't original. Although I believe I'm my own worst critic, I don't want any of this stuff falling into the wrong hands when I pass into the great beyond. Besides, when you're dead you don't even get the chance to agree with your critics, to say to them, "I know it's crap, how the hell did you get this. I meant to burn that years ago?"

All that said, there are those rare times when I do like a piece of my art. Sometimes, another person will see my art and like it. They may even want to buy it. On those exceptional occasions I find myself in the dilemma of having to think about framing it. Choosing a frame for a piece of art can be a difficult and time consuming task. Luckily for me I don't have to worry about this very often. When I do need to frame something though, I tend to like the seemingly contradictory. For instance I like unique frames, but also traditional. I like found items and old thrift store frames. In a certain way my choice of frames is instinctual rather than practical. However, as the old saying goes, "I know what I like when I see it".
Some detail added.

Not surprising then, I selected the frame above for the Oregon Coast painting. It's unique, but in some ways traditional. It is very heavy, almost industrial and yet it has a natural quality. It has non-glare museum glass that stands about a half inch above the painting surface thanks to the unique standoff border in place of the more traditional matte. I think it turned out well and the framer did a good job of sealing everything up.

While most of my work will never see the light of day, let alone a fancy frame, I recognize that after 40 years of drawing and painting, some of it is good enough to put in a frame, even if it is just for my amusement. And if I had any advice for my fellow amateur artists it would be to go ahead and frame your art once in a while and ignore your own worst critic. And what the heck, even if the critics think your art is crap someone out there among the 6 billion people on the planet will think it is brilliant... I like those odds.

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