Friday, February 10, 2017

Watercolors, Presentations and Practice

February 11, 2017

It's been a while since my last post and there's a good reason for that. I have been incredibly busy with art and other commitments. Here's what I've been up to.

I was recently invited to make a presentation to the Minnesota Watercolor Society on the topic of social media. It was an incredibly great opportunity to present to a large group of excellent Artists and a very distinguished and venerable society.

In preparing for my presentation I reached out to my friends and fellow Artists Don Colley and YouTube sensation Cinnamon Cooney

Both Don and Cinnamon offered great advice on the topic of social media. I also talked to friends and family about the topic of social media in general. I asked them about how they use social media, especially as it pertains to their work and hobbies.

One thing stuck out for Artists, and that's that you are your brand. You represent your brand and everything about it. Just as a painting cannot be created on it's own, neither can a persons brand. The closer that brand connects to the genuine you, the better it will be ultimately. In other words, try not be something or someone you aren't.

So I prepared for this very import presentation over the course of several weeks leading up to the event. I was very nervous and on the night of the presentation, it was an extremely cold night in Minnesota. I wasn't expecting more than a few people to show up.

I was very surprised when the large room and many rows of chairs began to fill with people. The person who invited me to speak on the topic was my friend Tara Sweeney (who I recently featured in a video on my YouTube channel) and she gave me a very kind introduction and here is the rest:

Here is the presentation in its entirety:

In addition to the presentation, I have also been very busy on YouTube creating new reviews. Check out my channel and catch up on the videos if you haven't done so already. I love hearing from Subscribers and really enjoy the interaction. So I devote a good amount of time responding and interacting with folks on the channel.

If all that weren't enough, I've been doing a lot of sketching and painting. I've been out with the Underground Artists League on Saturdays and I recently made a journey with fellow Artist Kurt Shulzetenberg to the Eagle Center in Wabasha, Minnesota.

Here are some of my recent sketches.

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