Friday, July 03, 2020

James Gurney - Teacher, Illustrator, Author, Adventurer.

July 3, 2020

"The teacher who walks in the shadow of the temple, among his followers, gives not of his wisdom, but rather of his faith and his lovingness. If he is indeed wise, he does not bid you enter the house of his wisdom, but rather leads you to the threshold of your mind." 
                                                - Kahlil Gibran

The best teachers I ever knew were the ones that inspired me to learn. That usually came through demonstrating their own enthusiasm and excitement. I had a history teacher in High School who taught me to love history, but he never had to open a history book to do that. He was so passionate, so good at describing historical events and their importance, that it made me really want to learn more about history.

The Artist and Author James Gurney probably never set out to be a teacher, but there is no question that is exactly what he has become. For the past two months I have been immersed in the world of James Gurney, first to study for an interview with him, second to learn why he is so passionate about story-telling through his art.

My friend Steve Mitchell (Mind Of Watercolor) and I, just wrapped up our interview with James Gurney, and I'm hoping some of what we learned about him, is passed on to you. Mr. Gurney's enthusiasm, imaginations and craftsmanship are truly inspirational. If you're an Artist, or just interested in Art, you should get to know James Gurney. 

Here is our interview:

Here are some of my recent sketches.

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